
Ya Beirut, Ya Sett Al Dunia…Your Uber has just arrived!

We’re pretty sure you’ve heard the popular saying of how, in Lebanon, you can ski in the morning and dip your feet in the sea in the afternoon. Well it’s popular because it’s absolutely true – You can literally do everything that comes to mind in exactly one day. Ubers have been roaming around the Middle East since September 2013 and it wasn’t long until the shout out to bring Uber to Beirut City was heard! Yes that’s true…Uber just rolled right into its 6th city in the Middle East to set the coolest trend!

We’re super excited to have Beirut join the ride along with the 140+ cities from across the globe because it’s about time the Lebanese crowd experiences a reliable, safe and comfortable ride at the tap of a button!

Pierre Rabbat, the famous face of #MinElEkhir TV show on MTV loved the idea of Uber hitting the streets of Beirut and was one of the first to test…

He opened the app this morning, booked his trip and rode as he planned his pitch at the back of his Uber for the international star he is inviting to the final episode of his show – NO ONE and yes NO ONE knows who she is but that one driver.

At the same time in Saifi Village, Daniella Rahme, the winner of Dancing with the Stars Middle East Season 2 and TV/Radio host, opened and booked her first Uber ride through the app. A few minutes later…

…her private chauffeur showed up and accompanied her from meeting to meeting throughout the day. She certainly rode in style!




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