
TEAM LEBANON Makes History, Finishes the Peking-Paris Race with GOLD!

35 days, 13,695 km and two continents later, Charbel Habib and Walid Samaha have made it to Paris all the way from Beijing!

I’m happy to announce that they got the Gold Medal and finished second in their class and 24th overall! It’s also the first time ever a standard Porsche 356C manages to finish this rally of epic proportions. Many firsts and records to be proud of from team Lebanon!

There are a lot of words I could use to describe this phenomenal accomplishment, but, who better to sum this experience up than Charbel Habib himself. Shortly after driving into Paris, here’s what Charbel had to say:

On this journey I saw so many fantastic landscapes, in just 35 days I saw our Mother Earth and how beautiful our planet is, also I passed through hundreds of villages and saw so many different cultures with different habits and different methods, and the first thing you think of is peace, how peaceful the people are and how they cherish and care for our planet and each other. It makes you sad, very sad at how much our region lacks many of  those qualities. Living in hatred, destruction of self and environment…

It’s a bit philosophical but if any personthat does this journey will feel and see the same.
Good night.

Congratulations! We’re all super proud of you guys and can’t wait for you to get back home and spread some of that wisdom gained in the past month.

Source: Gino’s Blog 


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