
What a sad destiny to be born a Lebanese

Waking up this morning wondering about our sad destiny to be born Lebanese;

How frustrating it is to see criminals destroying our country;

From the first day when the war ended, back then in 1990 till today we have not lived a peaceful day without worrying about tomorrow, getting used to uncertainty, not being able to make any future plans, dreaming of a better Lebanon, planning to have a life outside the country and leave our loved ones;

I call you thieves, thieves of hope, thieves of dignity, thieves of our lives and still we can’t do anything to stop you;

Oh God I beg you to forgive me if today I don’t have hope anymore, forgive me if secretly I wish you to take us away if you can’t make a miracle and save us, forgive me if secretly I wish those criminals to die.

After the war of 1975 we are living another kind of war, the war never really ended in 1990 ,my brothers are dying of hunger, my brothers lost their jobs, my brothers all left, we can’t send our children to schools anymore, we can’t afford hospitals, we can’t afford living in houses and having electricity and water, the life of Lebanese people is miserable and all this because the criminals who are in power yet to serve the people , to provide them with their rights and best life have been in power to serve only their dreams , to get wealthier , to be  ugly leaders , to fulfill their plans , to serve other countries , to be criminal and thieves, to destroy our country and to destroy our lives and still we can’t do anything to stop them …

Lebanon is suffocating under dirty waters filled with mud and soon it will die strangled by those politicians in power who are completely unhuman, stealing the money of the people, traitors for not having served the Lebanese cause and not being accountable to the Lebanese Citizens, for being socially unconscious; The people’s presence in the streets is not a threat to them, our screams are not being heard by them and still we can’t do anything to stop them …

Are you telling me that a better Lebanon is an illusion;

Are you telling me that as a Lebanese I don’t have the right to live a nice and decent normal life;

Are you telling me to stop fighting and surrender to this sadness and to this crazy situation …

 by Asma Gholmieh



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