
Proudly Lebanese

This Lebanese Student In Switzerland Is Working On Improving Biosensors!

Many Lebanese people that are in the medical field are revolutionizing medicine and this student is not an exception!

Edward Honein is a student at the American University of Beirut (AUB). He has joined the Laboratory of Nanobiotechnology at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland for a summer project.

Under the guidance of Professor Ardemis Boghossian, this Lebanese student aims at developing a nanotube-based biosensor. To note, this professor is the head of the laboratory and Honein’s project is based on Boghossian’s research.

In fact, a biosensor is an analytical device that is specifically designed to detect biological molecules in the air, water, and blood. It is made of two components:

1) The bioreceptor is a biomolecule that can recognize the molecule that needs to be analyzed.

2) The transducer converts the information that is displayed by the bioreceptor into a measurable signal.

Biosensors can be used is different ways. For instance, they are used to measure the concentration of glucose in a blood sample.

Honein’s project consists of improving the nanotube-based biosensor by making its measurement more precise. He is also aiming at making this device capable of detecting single biomolecules.

The Lebanese student is also working on simplifying the use of this device so that it becomes suitable for commercialization.

To achieve this, he needs to enhance the performance of the biosensor so that it detects the desired biomolecules more precisely. In addition to that, he is planning to develop a simple portable device to be used by doctors and patients.

Source: the961


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