
Why is education important?

Education is one of the most important parts of Concern Worldwide’s charity work. Why? Simply put, education is the key to lifting families out of poverty.

Long-term gains

The long-term economic, social and personal gains from education are proven – for individuals, families, communities and the development of a nation.

To achieve this there must be a minimum standard of education and sufficient levels of literacy, numeracy and life skills to enable people to lift themselves out of absolute poverty.

Facts about education

Education reduces poverty

  • Each year someone spends in school accounts for a 10% increase in their potential earnings

  • Four years in primary school can boost a farmer’s productivity by nearly nine percent

Education reduces malnutrition

  • The expansion of women’s education since 1990 accounts for a reduction of 902,799 child deaths

  • Women’s education is also proven to reduce child stunting

Education improves health

  • A good education reduces people’s vulnerability to HIV and AIDS

  • Education reduces infant mortality

Education reduces inequality

Education is a key factor associated with men’s attitudes toward women – men with less education – particularly those who have not completed secondary school, have more rigid attitudes and are more likely to be violent towards their family.


Source: Concern Worldwide


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