
A deeper look into the history of Faqra, Lebanon

 While it’s the perfect location in winter, there’s more to it than just being a place you can ski, Faqra houses some of the most significant landmarks mentioned in the bible, including altars, where people would pay homage to their gods in the past by burning something as a form of offering; tombs of brave warriors who defended the city during ancient war periods; temples that housed some of the religious activities; and large columns that stand firmly on rocks as reminders of the great empires that once ruled.

A large Roman temple of the 2nd century A.D stands a few meters away from the main tower. This temple, said to be dedicated to a “very great god,” is a rewarding place to explore, with its restored columns and the remains of an altar. Similar to those of the Baalback temples, the Corinthian columns stand tall above a sacrificial alter, dedicated to the God of Gods.

Today, Faqra is known for its 2,000,000 m2 ski resort overlooking the sea. If you don’t know how to ski, you can consider taking lessons that the local hotels offer. Or you can just enjoy the view of the ice-covered landscapes from the cable cars at the top of the mountain.

Have you considered taking up horseback riding? Faqra club offers lessons to nonmembers so you can go for a relaxing ride while enjoying the breathtaking scenery or even join a competition.

To maximize your cultural experience, get a taste of what the Lebanese chefs have to offer. Tourists seem to enjoy the delicious roasted lamb with its traditional sauce.




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