
Carlos Ghosn about Failure and Success Habits

What would you do if you suddenly knew that there is an honoring ceremony for Mr. Carlos Ghosn nearby?

You know the Chairman & CEO of the Renault Nissan Alliance, the Cost Killer, the Man of the Year, the Seven-Eleven, the Citizen of the World…

First thing I did was asking if he will be present, as you know many honoring ceremonies happen with a live video call or a recorded interview, especially for someone like Mr. Ghosn, who was described as “The Monk CEO” by Daniel Roth (Executive Editor at LinkedIn).
Then I knew that the event is private and asked my friend Rosa Maria Kallas who is also a Trainer and a Coach, to arrange for an invitation, and here we go couple hours before the ceremony, I got a confirmation to attend. BIG THANKS to Rosa Maria, actually she also recorded the video below.

First milestone was accomplished.

Carlos Ghosn Honoring CeremonyA great ceremony with a rich program organized by Loubnaniyoun, yet when it concluded with the interview hosted by Ricardo Karam, I had one goal, which is to ask my own questions to Mr. Ghosn, and suddenly the floor is open for questions.

I was the first one to raise my hand, yet you know the focus is on the front, PID Lion Salim Moussan asked the first question, then Ms. May Chidiac the second, and I was always not in the scene to have the opportunity to ask my own, so I stood up after the second answer, and started with “Massa el Kheir” (Good evening) which got me the attention, and here I see myself heading to Ms. May Chidiac to take the mic.

I started by introducing myself as the Founder of Entreprenergy, interviewing Successful Entrepreneurs, like Mr. Ghosn, and would like to ask 2 of the usual questions, one about Failure and the other about the Success Habits.

Watch Mr. Carlos Ghosn answering:

We know that we did not get a Failure Story, nor a PERSONAL Success Habit, yet the answers are much more interesting, summarizing all what we have listened to from the interviewed Entrepreneurs and the main points are:

  • Failure is a lesson, learn from your small failures, so you don’t fail big.

  • Discipline is one major mindset and habit to practice and embed in your success journey.

This is not the end of the story, because after accomplishing the second milestone and asking my questions, I was eager for more, and now my goal is to get in contact with Mr. Ghosn.

I saw him heading to the exit, so I took the other door, to escape all the people gathering around him, and here I find myself waiting on the other side. If you remember well, we had a long eye contact conversation while I was asking and while he was answering, so no need to introduce myself right?

When he came out with many people around him, I had to wait for the right moment to face him, and my Exit Pitch was “God bless you, how may I keep in contact with you?” and here we exchanged Business Cards.

The moment of Glory :) this is all I wanted, and he said my communication team will be in contact, of course I handed him my Entreprenergy card, knowing that most probably he will not have the time for it, yet it is now in his pocket and no one may predict the future…

Next step, was the fast follow up, sending his team to ask for the opportunity to have Mr. Ghosn as the Opening Keynote Speaker at the Entreprenergy Summit, the answer was that he has pre-commitments on that day, so I did not lose hope, and my last email was asking for a video call or a recorded interview.

Let’s wait until September to know about the feedback, as they mentioned, it should be first couple weeks.



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